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The Brown-RISD Catholic Community is working to open a Catholic student center on College Hill.  

Alums of a certain era--Catholic or otherwise--will remember Fr. Howard O'Shea, the Franciscan friar who served as a chaplain to students here for nearly three decades. 

We remember fondly the “last beer on campus” after Midnight Mass with Fr. Howie, and how helpful he was to us as we faced the challenges of being new to college and exposed to so many new ideas about religion, spirituality, social action and our roles in society.  Fr. Howie was always available with a kind and understanding word.  

The Brown-RISD Catholic Community is indebted to his years of ministry on College Hill.  This year, we've launched an ambitious campaign to establish a Catholic student center near campus. 

As part of this effort, we are leading an effort to raise a minimum of $250,000 to name the patio and garden in memory of Fr. O'Shea.  

Our progress to date....

Gifts & Pledges: $170,145

Number of Donors: 34

We invite you to read more about this campaign--Build Together--and to consider joining in this effort.  

Peace & Joy,

Mary Hutchings Reed '73

Marie Stoeckel '73

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